
Brandon Ascari
Dean / Hoyt / Norman Droese / Grunge Ninja Zombie

Nick Aufiero
The Hat Man / Satan

Perry Bigelow
Slice / The Unlucky Driver

Cameron Chandler
I Heart Zombie / Gideon Solomon

Chris Cowan
Slice / Pizza Delivery Driver

Matthew Cronin
Troy / The Hat Man

Sarah Denison
The Hat Man / Ursula Faulkner

Kristen Doscher
The Hat Man / Heather

Anthony Erazo
Slice / Rory

Robyn Michele Frank
Slice / Monica

Alex Frazier
I Heart Zombie / Rufio Solomon

Rocco George
Otto Ramirez / Bayley Faye / Cecil / The Snake Monster

Amanda Goodyear
I Heart Zombie / Snooki Vampire Hunter

Leonidas Grimanis
The Hat Man / Kurt Faulkner

Ryan Gross
Slice / Nick

Rick Haymes
Bernard T. Ward