
Yves Deniaud
Julien Pauphilat, head of the bellboys

Jean Piat
Marquis Clotaire de La Guérinière

Denise Provence
Lise, Sophie's daughter, Julien's mistress

Jean Debucourt
Baron, noble, restaurant regular

Pauline Carton
Madame Sophie, toilet attendant and Lise's mother

Sylvie Pelayo
Geneviève Pauphilat, Julien's daughter

Jacqueline Pierreux
Cri-Cri, courtesan

Pierre Larquey
Canon Hersant, Clotaire’s godfather

Raymond Bussières
Joseph, gamekeeper, cook, driver and electrician

Paul Villé
Ernest, director of Chez Maxim's

Pierre Magnier
Honoré, table master at Chez Maxim's

Gérard Séty
King's chamberlain

Madeleine Suffel
Emma Paussier, Geneviève's housekeeper

Mrs. de Méry, president of the charity of St-Hubert

Charles Lemontier
Mr. Guinelet, attorney

Andrée Servilanges
Ms. Brigitte Guinelet, attorney's wife