
Eddie Foy
The Tramp

Polly Moran
The Widow Wallop

Charles Arling
The Ringmaster

Eddie Foy Jr.
One of the Widow's Children (as Seven Little Foys)

Charley Foy
One of the Widow's Children (as Seven Little Foys)

Mary Foy
One of the Widow's Children (as Seven Little Foys)

Bryan Foy
One of the Widow's Children (as Seven Little Foys)

Josef Swickard
The Farmer

Mae Busch
The Farmer's Daughter

Charley Chase
The Circus Spieler

Richard Foy
One of the Widow's Children (as Seven Little Foys)

Madeline Foy
One of the Widow's Children (as Seven Little Foys)

Irving Foy
One of the Widow's Children (as Seven Little Foys)