Self (archive footage)2024 -
Nuremberg : des images pour l'histoire
Self - Politician (archive footage)2023 -
Hitler: The Making of a Monster
Self (archive footage)2023 -
Die Wannseekonferenz - Die Dokumentation
Self (archive footage)2022 -
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War II
Self (archive footage)2022 -
Belgique nazie
Self (archive footage)2021 -
Leni Riefenstahl – Das Ende eines Mythos
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2020 -
Les Bourreaux de Staline : Katyn, 1940
Self (archive footage)2020 -
El hombre más peligroso de Europa: Otto Skorzeny en España
Self - Politician (archive footage)2020 -
Self - Politician (archive footage)2019 -
Karajan – Porträt eines Maestros
Self - Politician (archive footage)2019 -
Drôle de guerre
Self - Politician (archive footage)2019 -
Storm Front in Mayo
Self - Politician (archive footage)2019 -
Wer war Hitler
Self (archive footage)2017 -
Le Scandale Clouzot
Self (archive footage)2017 -
100 Jahre UFA - Maschinenraum des deutschen Films
Self - Politician (archive footage)2017 -
Europa: The Last Battle
Self (archive footage)2017 -
Cinecittà Babilonia: sesso, droga e camicie nere
Self - Politician (archive footage)2017 -
Hitlers Hollywood
Self - Politician (archive footage)2017 -
Dawn of the Nazis
Self (archive footage)2017 -
Les Champions d'Hitler
2016 -
Hitler et les apôtres du mal
Self (archive footage)2016 -
Von Caligari zu Hitler
Self - Politician (archive footage)2015 -
El hombre que estaba allí
Self - Politician (archive footage)2013 -
Self (archive footage)2013 -
Nazi Titanic
Self (archive footage)2012 -
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2011 -
De opkomst van Adolf Hitler
Self (archive footage)2009 -
Padomju stāsts
Self (archive footage)2008 -
Stealing Klimt
Self (archive footage)2007 -
The Private Voice of Hitler
Self (archive footage)2006 -
The Hidden Führer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler's Sexuality
Self (archive footage)2004 -
Marlene Dietrich: Her Own Song
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2002 -
The Tramp and the Dictator
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2002 -
Urlaub im Dritten Reich - Kraft durch Freude
Self (archive footage)2001 -
Der Judenhetzer – Julius Streicher und "Der Stürmer"
Self2001 -
Self - Beside Hitler (archive footage) (uncredited)1999 -
Self (archive footage) (as Josef Goebbels)1982 -
Hitler - Eine Karriere
Self (archive footage)1977 -
Self (archive footage)1974 -
Обыкновенный фашизм
Self (archive footage)1965 -
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1963 -
Look at Life: Eagle's Nest
Self (archive footage)1962 -
Hitler an der Macht
Self (archive footage)1960 -
Adolf Hitler - Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer: Dokumente der Zeitgeschichte
Self (archive footage)1953 -
Ce siècle a cinquante ans
Self (archive footage)1950 -
Daleká cesta
Self - Politician (archive footage)1949 -
Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today
Self1948 -
Will It Happen Again?
Self (archive footage)1948 -
Суд народов
Self (archive footage)1946 -
Desert Victory
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1943 -
The Fight For Peace
Self (archive footage)1939 -
Ich habe meine Pflicht getan
Self1939 -
Olympia - Fest der Völker
Self - Spectator (uncredited)1938 -
Triumph des Willens
Self1935 -
Der Sieg des Glaubens
Self1933 -
Foreign Press Conference - April 1933
Self1933 -
Deutschland erwacht - Ein Dokument von der Wiedergeburt Deutschlands
Self1933 -
Hitler über Deutschland
Self1932 -
Der Nürnberger Parteitag der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei
Apocalypse, le crépuscule d'Hitler
Self (archive footage)2023 -
Eventos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial a todo color
Self (archive footage)2019 -
Apocalipsis El Ascenso de Hitler
Self (archive footage)2011 -
Hitler's bodyguard
Self (archive footage)2010 -
Days That Shook the World
Self (archive footage)2003 -
Hitlers Frauen
Self (archive footage)2001 -
WWII: The Lost Color Archives
Self (archive footage)2000 -
Crusade in Europe
Self (archive footage)1949