La belleza y el dolor
Self (Archive Footage)2022 -
The Business of Thought: A Recorded History of Artists Space
Self2020 -
Wojnarowicz: Fuck You Faggot Fucker
Self2020 -
Self-Portrait in 23 Rounds: a Chapter in David Wojnarowicz’s Life, 1989–1991
Himself (archive footage)2019 -
The Hardcore Collection
2012 -
By the Dawn's Early Light
Narrator1994 -
Listen to This
Himself1992 -
Himself1991 -
A Fire in My Belly
Himself1990 -
Die Aids-Trilogie: Schweigen = Tod – Künstler in New York kämpfen gegen AIDS
Self1990 -
Phil Interviews David Wojnarowicz
Himself1990 -
Around Clown
1987 -
Where Evil Dwells
1985 -
You Killed Me First
Dad1985 -
Stray Dogs
Fan1985 -
Manhattan Love Suicides
Fan (segment "Stray Dogs")1985 -
The Virginia Tripping Film
1985 -
Street Interviewee1983 -
American Obsessions
Self1983 -
Pompeii New York, Part 1: Pier Caresses
1982 -
All I can feel is the pressure