Madam Satan
Vision in Black Tulle1930 -
On the Level
Mary Whalen1930 -
Loves of an Actress
Lisette1928 -
Into No Man's Land
Katherine Taggart1928 -
The Devil's Skipper
Marie La Farge1928 -
Wickedness Preferred
Babs Burton1928 -
Fire and Steel
Ann McGreagor1927 -
Amy Cardigan1927 -
The Midnight Watch
Rose Denton1927 -
The Man in the Shadow
Lucy Rodman1926 -
One Minute to Play
Sally Rogers1926 -
The Waning Sex
Mary Booth1926 -
The Sap
Janet1926 -
The Ace of Spades
Olive Heath1925 -
The Red Rider
Lucille Cavanagh1925 -
The Boomerang
Grace Tyler1925 -
A Roaring Adventure
Gloria Carpenter1925 -
The Measure of a Man
Pattie Batch1924 -
All's Swell on the Ocean
1924 -
Ashes of Vengeance
Denise1923 -
Half a Chance
Jocelyn Wray, 10 years old1920 -
Sadie Goes to Heaven
Sadie1917 -
Young Mother Hubbard
Mona1917 -
Betty1917 -
On Trial
Doris Strickland1917 -
Do Children Count?
Little Daisy Erling1917