La Liga de la Justicia de Zack Snyder
Homeless Man2021 -
Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 2
Death Eater2011 -
La legión del águila
Patrician2011 -
Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (1ª parte)
Death Eater2010 -
Lie Still
Dark Man2007 -
Monk Dawson
Doctor1998 -
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Ron1988 -
Mr. Corbett's Ghost
The Gentleman1987 -
The Unborn
Vincent1980 -
Kill Two Birds
Our Friends in the North
Commissioner Jellicoe1996 -
Eye of the Storm
Gilbert Montliskeard1993 -
Agatha Christie's Poirot
Mr Casterman1989 -
Hardwicke House
Mr. Fowl1987 -
Charters and Caldicott
Gregory1985 -
The Cleopatras
Cyzicenus1983 -
The Comic Strip Presents...
Ron1982 -
Max Legendre1980 -
The Old Curiosity Shop
Dick Swiveller1979