The Missing Postman
Man in Leamington Spa1997 -
Selling Hitler
Hans Bauer1991 -
The Secrets of Love: Three Rakish Tales
Uncle1986 -
Giro City
GNH Chairman1982 -
A Ferry Ride Away
Dr. Meckridge1981 -
Roger Maxwell-Lafroy1979 -
Got It Made
Peter Audas1974 -
The Eyes Have It
George Mullard1973 -
The Death of Adolf Hitler
Albert Speer1973 -
The Raging Moon
Geoffrey1971 -
Wilton's: The Handsomest Hall in Town
Drunk Heckler1970 -
The Whisperers
1st Young Man1967 -
Lambda 1
Ferris1966 -
The Wrong Box
Young Digby1966 -
King Rat
Stevens1965 -
Seance on a Wet Afternoon
Plain Clothes Policeman1964 -
Whistle Down the Wind
1st Civil Defence Worker1961 -
The Angry Silence
Harris1960 -
A Night to Remember
Man with Souvenir Piece of Ice (uncredited)1958
Peak Practice
Walter Machin1993 -
You Rang, M'Lord?
Mr. Foster1990 -
Flying Lady
Lord Manley1987 -
Serie Rosa
L'oncle1986 -
Colonel Johnson1986 -
Colonel Foley1986 -
Howards' Way
Hector Burrage1985 -
Screen Two
John Harvey1985 -
Colonel Jackson1981 -
Gerald Green1981 -
Tony Davis1979 -
Todas las criaturas grandes y pequeñas
Mr. Bond1978 -
Todas las criaturas grandes y pequeñas
Colonel Bosworth1978 -
Secret Army
Colonel Northwood1977 -
Crown Court
Harold Pusey1972 -
The Protectors
Consultant1972 -
Van der Valk
Dr. Roest1972 -
Van der Valk
Kees Dorpman1972 -
Play for Today
Man from Wimbledon1970 -
The Champions
Tom Brooks1968 -
The Informer
Ronnie Gaines1966 -
Public Eye
Hailey1965 -
Los vengadores
Plummer1961 -
Dixon of Dock Green
Mr. Hayes1955