Field of Lost Shoes
General Wharton2015 -
Soltera a los 40
Wayne Lambert2014 -
42: La verdadera historia de una leyenda americana
Bob Cooke2013 -
House of Representatives2012 -
The Marc Pease Experience
Mr. Brickman2009 -
The List
Jefferson McClintock2007 -
El Nuevo Mundo
Ackley2005 -
Pop Rocks
Carl Hunter2004 -
El Medallón
Detective Kincaid2002 -
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Hollywood Follies
Assistant Director2002 -
Paul Mooney: Analyzing White America
White Guy2002 -
Cherry Falls
Tom Sisler, Principal2000 -
Dr. Austin2000 -
Secreto de sangre
Doctor1998 -
Besos que matan
Large Cop1997 -
1997 -
The Crying Child
Reverend Rydell1996 -
The Stepford Husbands
Dennis1996 -
Twisted Desire
State Prosecutor1996 -
Never Give Up: The Jimmy V Story
Dr. Monrash1996 -
Dare to Love
1995 -
Una mujer llamada Nell
Judge1994 -
Against Her Will: The Carrie Buck Story
Ian Strand1994 -
Pete Jarman1994 -
Bandit: Beauty and the Bandit
Stanley1994 -
Los Niños del Maíz 2: El sacrificio final
Simpson1992 -
Wife, Mother, Murderer: The Marie Hilley Story
Frank Hilley1991 -
Golden Years
Shop No. 11991 -
Night of the Hunter
Lieutenant1991 -
Operación: Soldados de Juguete
Agent Grimes1991 -
Black Rainbow
Airline Clerk No. 21989 -
Mi Nombre es Bill W.
1989 -
Summer Heat
Mr. Hodges1987