2024 -
Gazprom - Die perfekte Waffe
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)2023 -
Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes
Self (archive footage)2022 -
Господин Ландсбергис
Self (archive footage)2021 -
1996, hold-up à Moscou
Self (archive footage)2021 -
Gorbachev. Heaven
Self2021 -
The Art of Dissent
Self - Subject (archive footage)2021 -
Stasi, un État contre son peuple
Self (archive footage)2021 -
Сахаров. Две жизни
Self (archive footage)2021 -
Tchernobyl, la dernière bataille de l'URSS
Self (archive footage)2021 -
The Long Breakup
Self - Politician (archive footage)2020 -
Mans mīļākais karš
Self - Politician (archive footage)2020 -
The Way I See It
Self (archive footage)2020 -
Erzfreunde - Trump und Putin
Self - Politician (archive footage)2020 -
Les Bourreaux de Staline : Katyn, 1940
Self (archive footage)2020 -
30 de ani de democrație
Self (archive footage)2019 -
Solidarnosc - Der Mauerfall begann in Polen
Self - Politician (archive footage)2019 -
Tirano. Cobarde. Víctima. La historia de Roy Cohn
Self (archive footage)2019 -
Self - Politician (archive footage)2019 -
L'Homme qui a défié Pékin
Self - Politician (archive footage)2019 -
Meeting Gorbachev
Self2019 -
Люся в стране чудес
Self2018 -
Свидетели Путина
Self - Politician (archive footage)2018 -
Наша Африка
Self2018 -
The Arrow of Time
Self2017 -
À la recherche de... Pierre Richard
Self - Soviet and Russian statesman (archive footage)2017 -
Oscar Arias: Without a Shot Fired
Self2017 -
Free to Rock
Self2017 -
Era Of Dance
Self (archive footage)2017 -
Zero Days
Self (archive footage)2016 -
Þeir sem þora
Self (archive footage)2015 -
The Russian Woodpecker
Former President Russia (archive footage)2015 -
Self (archive footage)2015 -
Quando c'era Berlinguer
2014 -
2012 -
Self (archive footage)2012 -
Der Sturz - Honeckers Ende
Self2012 -
Les Derniers Jours de l'URSS
Self2011 -
Горький вкус свободы
2011 -
Он пришел дать нам волю
2011 -
Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceaușescu
2010 -
Disko ja tuumasõda
Self (archive footage)2009 -
Nous resterons sur Terre
Self2009 -
Padomju stāsts
Self (archive footage)2008 -
La Bataille de Tchernobyl
Self2007 -
Hammer & Tickle
Self (archive footage)2007 -
A Szabadság Vihara
2006 -
Doot Doola Doot Doo ... Doot Doo!
Self (archive footage)2006 -
Eestlased Kremlis – Nõukogude Liidu lagunemise lugu
Self2006 -
El desastre de Chernobyl
Self (archive footage)2004 -
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, l'homme qui a changé le monde
2003 -
Die Sekretäre
Self (archive footage)1999 -
Als die Mauer fiel: 50 Stunden, die die Welt veränderten
Self1999 -
The Secret KGB JFK Assassination Files
Self1999 -
Self1998 -
Soviet Union: The Rise and Fall - Part 2
Self (archive footage)1996 -
But... Seriously
Self (archive footage)1994 -
In weiter Ferne, so nah!
Mikhail Gorbachev1993 -
Nový Hyperion aneb Volnost, rovnost, bratrství
Himself1992 -
Desert Storm: The War Begins
Self (archive footage)1991 -
Ceausescu: Behind the Myth
Self (archive footage)1991 -
Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1990 -
El Secreto del Abismo
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)1989 -
День откровения
1989 -
Дети XX съезда
(archive footage)1988 -
Der springende Punkt
1987 -
L'addio a Enrico Berlinguer
Corridors of Power: Should America Police the World?
Self (archive footage)2024 -
Self (archive footage)2024 -
Punto de inflexión: La bomba y la Guerra Fría
Self (archive footage)2024 -
Tovarășu': facerea, gloria și desfacerea unui dictator
Self (archive footage)2023 -
세 개의 전쟁
Self (archive footage)2023 -
Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone
Self (archive footage)2022 -
First Ladies
Self (archive footage)2020 -
Historia: Nivel 1
Self (archive footage)2020 -
Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States
Self2012 -
Zero Hour
Self (archival footage)2004 -
Days That Shook the World
Self (archive footage)2003 -
Школа злословия
2002 -
maybrit illner
Self1999 -
La Foi du siècle
Self (archive footage)1999 -
Self1999 -
Ein Herz für Kinder
Self1998 -
Die Johannes B. Kerner Show
Self1998 -
Goldene Henne
Self1995 -
The Second Russian Revolution
Self1991 -
Self1991 -