Nido de viudas
Elvira1977 -
The Incredible Sarah
Mam'selle1976 -
Los demonios de la mente
Hilda1972 -
The Great Waltz
Anna Strauss1972 -
Crucible of Horror
Edith Eastwood1971 -
The Machine Stops
Vashti1966 -
Genghis Khan
Katke1965 -
The Main Attraction
Elenora Moreno1962 -
Johnny Nobody
Miss Mary Floyd1961 -
El hombre del clavel verde
Constance1960 -
Conspiracy of Hearts
Sister Gerta1960 -
Mildred1959 -
La bahía del tigre
Anya1959 -
Storm Over Jamaica
Mrs. Pawley1958 -
Woman in a Dressing Gown
Amy Preston1957 -
Yield to the Night
Matron Hilda MacFarlane1956 -
Mrs. Stella Hampden1955 -
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Julia1954 -
The Divided Heart
Sonja1954 -
Tonight in Britain
Self1954 -
Wuthering Heights
Cathy1953 -
Turn the Key Softly
Monica Marsden1953 -
The Dybbuk
Leah1952 -
Children of Chance
Australia1949 -
The Queen of Spades
Lizavetta Ivanova1949 -
Love on the Dole
Factory Worker at Gate1941