American Friends
Rushden - The President1991 -
A TV Dante
Charon1990 -
Indiana Jones 3: La Última Cruzada
Grail Knight1989 -
Troutbeck1987 -
Theban Plays: Antigone
Chorus1986 -
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King
Chorus1986 -
Henry IV Part 2
Justice Robert Shallow1979 -
An Affinity with Dr. Still
Dr. Still1979 -
1975 -
The Adventures Of Don Quixote
Duke1973 -
The Boy Who Turned Yellow
Nick1972 -
Edward II
Lightborn/Archbishop of Canterbury1970 -
The Tragedy of King Richard II
Duke of York1970 -
Uncle Silas
Silas Ruthyn1968 -
I Was Happy Here
1966 -
Selkirk of Red River
Lord Selkirk1964 -
The Angel Who Pawned Her Harp
1954 -
Vice Versa
Mr. Blinkhorn1948 -
Sixty Glorious Years
Lanternist Professor1938