Mir hat es immer Spaß gemacht
Mr. McCarthy1970 -
Dr. Richard Nemur1968 -
The Last Mile
Pat Callahan1959 -
Stolen Paradise
Richard 'Dick' Gordon1940 -
Police Court
Nathaniel "Junior" Barry Jr.1932 -
Penrod and Sam
Penrod Schofield1931 -
Their Mad Moment
Narcio1931 -
Father's Son
Bill Emory1931 -
Die Maske fällt
1931 -
The Doorway to Hell
Jackie Lamarr1930 -
Old English
Jock1930 -
An Intimate Dinner in Celebration of Warner Bros. Silver Jubilee
Self1930 -
Bear Shooters
Donald 'Spud'1930 -
The Younger Generation
Eddie Lesser as a Boy1929 -
The Wind
Cora's Child1928 -
The Elephant's Elbows
Johnny Smith1928